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Hand turns the integrated game on the BERG Go Twirl ride-on car

The BERG GO ride on car

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The BERG GO ride on car, from as young as 1 year of age!

Looking for super fun toys from 1 year of age? Then our BERG GO ride on cars are just what you're looking for! You want toys that are not only fun, but also allow your child to develop well. This is exactly what a ride on car does. On a ride on car, your baby or toddler from the age of 1 can have fun discovering the world while also stimulating your child's motor skills. BERG's ride on car is suitable for outdoors and indoors, so it can always be played with. When choosing the suitable ride on car, you can pay attention to a number of important points in order to make the right choice.

Ride on cars for kids

On average, children become increasingly mobile around their first year of life. A ride on car for kids is then an ideal product to help them with their motor skills. BERG ride on cars are suitable from about 10 months to 1 year and can be used until the child outgrows the product. This is usually around the age of 3 years old when they are ready for something more challenging. A Biky balance bike, for example. With the addition of pedals on the BERG GO², the child can choose to learn to pedal when a ride on car no longer offers enough of a challenge. This makes the BERG GO² a truly versatile ride on car that can be used for longer thanks to the addition of pedals. Once they have also mastered pedalling, the logical step is of course a real go-kart, for even more speed and challenges.

Babies and 1-year-old toddlers often do not yet have the agility to steer properly. As there is a steering wheel on the ride on car, it provides an extra challenge they can get to work with. So a ride on car is also good for development, as it supports hand-eye coordination, as well as the sense of balance and equilibrium. The low seat makes the ride on car suitable for toddlers from about 1 year of age. BERG's ride on cars stand out from other ride on cars in several areas, mainly due to the 2-in-1 function and designs.

Child riding a yellow BERG GO ride-on car with parent walking beside

Why a ride on car for kids?

Exercise and play are essential for a child's development. This is, of course, preferably done in a safe way. With a BERG ride on car, you are assured of a stable and safe way to make your first running metres. The coordination between walking/pedalling and steering is an essential component in the child's physical and cognitive development. In addition, discovering the world in a playful manner on a BERG ride on car is stimulating for all the senses.

  • Stable and safe.
  • Good for development (hand-eye coordination, equilibrium, balance, physical and cognitive development).
  • Stimulates the senses.
  • Provides the chance to explore the world independently.
  • BERG's ride on cars offer many more benefits.
Child smiling while riding a green BERG GO ride-on car with flag in the garden

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