8 často kladených otázek
Delivery costs vary depending on the country. Choose a specific webstore for more information.
We always try to deliver as soon as possible. Please contact us for more information regarding delivery time.. As soon as your order has shipped you will receive a shipping confirmation by email. The confirmation includes a package code. This allows you to track the order.
Suppliers vary depending on the country. Choose a specific webstore for more information.
Unfortunately, you can not pick up your order at our warehouse. Would you like to test a product? You can! Click here to find a BERG dealer in your area.
We are committed to have your gokart, trampoline or other BERG item delivered to your home within 2 business days. However, due to circumstances with the shipping company for example, it could take somewhat longer. Do you feel it is taking longer than initially estimated? Please contact our service team and we will assist you!
Unfortunately, the shipping company's schedule may run into delays and your order may be delivered at a later time. If we know the shipment won't be delivered, we will notify you by email and/or sms as soon as possible.
Partial delivery of your order at different times may occur. This happens when you order a large and small item simultaneously, for example. Or occasionally errors or glitches occur. In that case, we will do our best to notify you by email and/or sms.
Is it taking too long? Please don't hesitate to contact our service team. We will gladly assist you.
Was your order late or did the shipping company not keep to the agreed terms? We apologize for the inconvenience. We can imagine your need for an explanation. Please don't hesitate to contact our service team for these matters.
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