Can I assemble a PlayBase playset myself? What frames and accessories are there?
The great thing about BERG's PlayBase playset is that you can assemble it yourself to your liking. Thanks to the many accessories available, there is a suitable PlayBase for everyone, a playground for toddlers through to adults. For the littlest ones, you can choose from all kinds of different play accessories to create a fun climbing frame for outside and for the older children and adults, you can choose from various lounge, sports and fitness accessories for your PlayBase.
Choice 1: the frame
First, you need to determine which frame is best suited for you. To do this, you should have a clear idea of what you want to do with the PlayBase and, of course, how much space you have available in your garden. At BERG, you can choose between a Medium, Large, or Extra Large frame that needs to be installed in the ground, or a Wall frame that must be both installed in the ground and attached to a wall. The Medium frame is 2 swings wide, the Large frame is 3 swings wide, the Extra Large frame is 4 swings wide, and the Wall frame is 1 swing wide.