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How should I dig in my InGround trampoline?

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  • Dig in inground trampoline

Dig in your trampoline with 5 steps

To enjoy jumping on an InGround or FlatGround trampoline, a hole needs to be dug under the trampoline. The hole gives the jump mat room to stretch and create an airflow that launches the jumper (also known as flipper) with each jump. In the tutorials below, you can see exactly how best to dig a hole for your Inground trampoline and what you will need. Good luck!

Marked circle on the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

1/5 Marking trampoline

Decide where you want to place the trampoline in the ground. When doing so, keep 2 metres away from other obstacles for a safe jumping experience. Mark the location on the ground as shown in the manual. When doing so, keep to the dimensions given in the manual supplied with the trampoline.

Dug-out circle in the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

2/5 Dig out the edge

Then use a shovel or spade to cut out the edges inside the circle. From that edge, you can then shovel out the middle section. If you shovel the soil straight into a wheelbarrow, you will keep the grass nice and clean.

Dug-out pit in the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

3/5 Dig out the entire hole

Dig out the hole in a bowl shape and to the depth indicated in the instructions. It will take some time, but do remember that it won't be long before you can enjoy jumping on it. It's so worth it!

Fully dug-out pit in the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

4/5 Placing the trampoline

Wow, that looks sleek! Well done. You can now place the trampoline over the hole. Follow the last step in the instructions, and you are ready to jump.

Installed BERG inground trampoline with green safety pad in a garden

5/5 Ready to jump!

The trampoline is ready for use. Invite everyone in the neighbourhood to your debut on your new BERG trampoline and make a party of it. The Sky is Yours!

Marked circle on the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

1/5 Marking trampoline

Decide where you want to place the trampoline in the ground. When doing so, keep 2 metres away from other obstacles for a safe jumping experience. Mark the location on the ground as shown in the manual. When doing so, keep to the dimensions given in the manual supplied with the trampoline.

Dug-out circle in the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

2/5 Dig out the edge

Then use a shovel or spade to cut out the edges inside the circle. From that edge, you can then shovel out the middle section. If you shovel the soil straight into a wheelbarrow, you will keep the grass nice and clean.

Dug-out pit in the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

3/5 Dig out the entire hole

Dig out the hole in a bowl shape and to the depth indicated in the instructions. It will take some time, but do remember that it won't be long before you can enjoy jumping on it. It's so worth it!

Fully dug-out pit in the grass as preparation for installing a BERG inground trampoline

4/5 Placing the trampoline

Wow, that looks sleek! Well done. You can now place the trampoline over the hole. Follow the last step in the instructions, and you are ready to jump.

Installed BERG inground trampoline with green safety pad in a garden

5/5 Ready to jump!

The trampoline is ready for use. Invite everyone in the neighbourhood to your debut on your new BERG trampoline and make a party of it. The Sky is Yours!

Watch the instruction video

BERG InGround - How much space do I need and how do I have to dig it in?

BERG FlatGround - How much space do I need and how do I have to dig it in?


1. Can I dig in the trampoline myself?

2. Can I dig in a ordinary trampoline?

3. What happens to the hole under the trampoline when it rains?

4. Can I have the hole dug by a gardener?

5. How can I control the weeds under my sunken trampoline?

6. What is the difference between an InGround and a FlatGground trampoline?

BERG Champion InGround trampoline

Looking for an InGround trampoline?

View all BERG InGround trampolines

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