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A wooden balance bike, plastic or yet another material?

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A wooden balance bike, plastic or yet another material? Which is most suitable for my child?

Balance bikes come in all shapes and sizes, as well as different materials. For example, there are balance bikes made of wood and plastic, as well as balance bikes made of different types of metal. Generally, most balance bikes are made of steel or aluminium, with steel balance bikes tending to be heavier and aluminium balance bikes more expensive. Here are some more of the different types of balance bikes with a focus on the material.


BERG's balance bikes are all made of magnesium. Balance bikes made of magnesium are virtually unheard of among other brands. A balance bike with a magnesium frame is extremely light, as magnesium is a lightweight material. The BERG balance bike is made of magnesium, a lightweight material that is the latest development in balance bikes. It is about 30% lighter than aluminium and even up to 70% lighter than steel. In addition, it is incredibly strong and has one of the lowest carbon footprints of all construction materials. As a result, the frame of the BERG Biky weighs only 950 grams and is 100% recyclable. A lightweight balance bike is one of the most important aspects when choosing a specific balance bike, so with the BERG Biky you are always in the right place. In addition, it can therefore take a beating and offers long-term fun.

Child effortlessly lifts a red BERG Biky balance bike with a lightweight frame up the stairs


A wooden balance bike is durable and looks quite natural. The disadvantage of a balance bike made of wood is that the material is more affected by rain and cold. It is therefore not wise to leave a wooden balance bike outside. In addition, wooden balance bikes often do not have handlebars that are adjustable in height. It is also a fact that wooden frames are often not so well adapted to the ergonomics of the child in terms of design.


A metal balance bike is very sturdy and strong. One drawback, however, is that a balance bike with a metal frame is usually heavier than balance bikes made of other materials. This makes it more difficult for the child to control a metal balance bike. So think carefully about this before buying a metal balance bike.

However, you can also opt for a lightweight BERG steel balance bike, such as the BERG MOOV! This steel balance bike weighs only 2.7 kg, making it perfect for young children.


Balance bikes made of plastic are not heavy and less sturdy. In addition, plastic cannot rust, so a balance bike made of plastic can be left outside without any problems.


A balance bike made of aluminium is quite light and will not rust, allowing you to leave it outside without any problems.

Not a balance bike made of wood, but of super-light magnesium

Purchase a balance bike? Think carefully about what kind of balance bike you want. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. BERG's choice is balance bikes with a magnesium frame. This is partly because magnesium is simply an extremely light material that makes the balance bike weigh very little. This also makes it easier for your child to get from A to B and the balance bike rides nicely. If you're looking for a sturdy balance bike for your toddler, we recommend the BERG Biky range. In the BERG Biky range, you can choose from all kinds of cool balance bikes. From the retro balance bike, to the BERG Biky Cross. Besides different looks, these different variants also have different specifications and add-ons.

View all BERG balance bikes
Two children riding a lightweight BERG Biky Retro balance bike in the city

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