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Banner with children climbing on a BERG PlayBase climbing frame with a climbing net

The BERG PlayBase

Everything about the PlayBase
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  • Berg playbase playset accessories

The BERG PlayBase | The versatile playset with many accessories

Climbing frames, outdoor gyms, swings, hammocks, there is so much choice. With the BERG PlayBase, you don't have to choose. This playset effortlessly transforms from a swing into a fitness device. Then, after playing or working out, you can lounge in your hammock. Wouldn't you want that?


Turn your garden into a playground, for example by hanging a swing, climbing wall, climbing net, or precision net on the PlayBase. This way, you'll never run out of play options!

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Children playing basketball on a BERG PlayBase climbing frame with basketball hoop


Want to get fit or stay fit with your own home gym? Easily transform the PlayBase into a gym in your own backyard. Do you choose strength training, gymnastics, or boxing?

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Man doing pull-ups on a BERG PlayBase climbing frame with pull-up bar


Done with sports and play, or just need to relax after a long day at work? Hang the hammock on the PlayBase and take a well-deserved break!

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Woman relaxing in a hammock attached to a BERG PlayBase climbing frame in the garden

Why the BERG PlayBase?

  • A new total concept for sport, play, and lounging all in one.
  • Extra sturdy and durable frame with a sleek design.
  • Easily place it in your garden without concrete.
  • Various accessories available.
  • Easy to switch accessories.
  • Available in multiple editions and sizes, so it always fits in your garden.
  • Easy and sturdy to place, without concrete.
View everything from the BERG PlayBase
Boy climbing on a BERG PlayBase climbing frame with wooden climbing wall


Since 1985, BERG has been developing safe and sustainable products that last for generations. Venture carefree into adventure or simply enjoy being active outdoors. The outdoors is yours!

Related questions

What are the dimensions of the PlayBase?

Can I assemble a PlayBase playset myself? What frames and accessories are there?

How do I dig in my PlayBase?

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