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Why choose a foldable BERG Nexo light up scooter?

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Why choose a foldable BERG Nexo light up scooter?

The BERG Nexo is the ultimate three-wheel scooter, thanks to the patented steering mechanism that allows you to steer and manoeuvre smoothly. In addition, the extra-wide wheels provide high stability to further improve safety. The BERG Nexo scooter is also fitted with a foldable and adjustable-height handlebar. So not only can you use your BERG Nexo for longer, but this foldable scooter is compact enough to be super easy to transport. The scooter comes with the option of battery-free LED light up wheels. The LED light up wheels are activated and lit up by movement, they enhance the scooter's unique appearance with striking effect. After all, who wouldn't want a scooter with lights in the wheels? You can also choose to upgrade the BERG Nexo scooter with extra accessories (add-ons) under the deck for even more enjoyment.


Net zoals jullie vinden wij bij BERG de veiligheid van onze producten erg belangrijk. Daarom is er bij de ontwikkeling van de BERG Nexo step veiligheid en plezier als uitgangspunten genomen. Dat kan je aan een aantal elementen zien als je naar de BERG Nexo step kijkt. Het antislipmateriaal op het deck en aan de handvaten zorgen voor meer grip tijdens het steppen. Daarnaast sta je met de step stil wanneer je dat wil, dit is mogelijk dankzij de slijtvaste en ergonomische voetrem. Daarnaast hebben we ervoor gezorgd dat het stuurslot op de step instelbaar is, wat het mogelijk maakt om rustig te leren steppen. Het stuurslot is in te stellen om onverwachte bewegingen naar links of rechts niet meer mogelijk te maken. Al die veiligheidspunten zorgen ervoor dat je kind veiliger kan steppen.

Two children walking with their BERG Nexo scooters with illuminated wheels in a colorful tunnel

Which accessories/upgrades are available for the BERG Nexo?

The BERG Nexo can be upgraded with a whole range of fantastic accessories. Various add-ons can be mounted under the scooter for even more enjoyment. You can also purchase a genuine BERG helmet for extra safety, and a handy carry strap is available so you can take your scooter with you wherever you go. Besides the possibility of purchasing a scooter with lights in the wheels, you can select an optional LED add-on and magnet deck. Below you can find out exactly how this works.

The coolest scooter with LED wheels

Do you have a BERG Nexo scooter without LED wheels and would like to include them on your scooter? No problem! The LED wheels can be ordered as an accessory. They are easy to assemble, so you'll soon have a scooter with luminous wheels. The luminous wheels turn on as soon as you start scootering. This creates a stunning effect that makes you want to keep scootering!

Close-up of a BERG Nexo scooter with illuminated wheels for a stylish effect

LED add-on

Besides the option of adding luminous wheels to your scooter, you can choose to place a special LED module under the scooter. This give you a scooter with all sorts of lights. This LED add-on under the deck offers 12 different settings for light and colour patterns. The module comes with batteries. Worried that the deck will go flat too quickly? Don't worry. With the built-in motion sensor, your batteries will last longer. You can turn the LED lights on and off yourself. There is also an option for automatic mode. This means that the lights will automatically turn off after 15 seconds of no movement.

Close-up of a foot on a BERG Nexo scooter with illuminated deck for extra visibility

Magnet add-on

The magnet add-on lets you turn scootering into a game of skill.

With this accessory for your scooter, you can collect coins by scootering over them. Included with the add-on is a game manual that lists different types of games you can play. Even more fun with your BERG scooter!

Child exploring the magnetic add-on on the underside of a BERG Nexo scooter

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