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Unge mennesker griner og giver håndtryk ved en BERG trampolin under MOB Masters of Bounce

Masters of Bounce
Become your own Master of Bounce

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World's first 9 flips

Together with Radial Flipz we created the BERG Pro9 project. Read all about the BERG Pro9 project and the new world record of a nonuple kaboom!

BERG Pro 9 project
Vinder løfter mesterskabstrofæet under Masters of Bounce Pro 9

BERG Merch

Jump higher and better with your own BERG Merch and show everyone what you can do! Shop all BERG Merch here.

Check our merch!
Tre Masters of Bounce-atleter demonstrerer deres færdigheder under en fotosession for den officielle merch

BERG Events

Stay up-to-date with all BERG events. Be the first to know about all the BERG Bounce Fests’, meet-ups and other events.

Check our events
Oversigt over et BERG Masters of Bounce-event med trampoliner og entusiastiske deltagere

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